Stream Online Roche papier ciseaux - 2013
Stream Online Roche papier ciseaux-
Plot: Four men are each looking for a way out. Their fates collide one night.Story: Boucane, a young Native fresh off the reserve, meets Norman, a former mob boss, reduced to doing odd-jobs for his new bosses. Lorenzo, an old Italian immigrant on his last dime, is looking for some fast cash to fulfil his dying wife's last wish. Vincent, a doctor stripped of his medical license, is forced to work for the insidious Chinese mob. Three men, each looking for a way out. Their fates collide on the night of a lunar eclipse.- Release date:
- User Votes: 5.4
- Countries: Canada
- Stars: Roy Dupuis, Remo Girone, Samian, Roger Léger, Frédéric Chau
- Genres: Action, Crime, Drama
- MPAA Rating:
- Oscars:
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